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Horizon Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education.

company number 08411590

registered office is C/O Biggin Hill Primary School, Biggin Avenue, Bransholme, Hull, United Kingdom HU7 4RL.

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Hedon Primary School

Ethos and Values

Inspire, aspire, achieve

At Hedon Primary School we are committed to providing a positive, safe and stimulating environment for children to learn, where all are valued. We intend that all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and aspire to become independent life-long learners through understanding of the principles of growth mind-set and metacognition.

We aim to make the most of our local community and outdoor spaces to inspire our pupils enhancing their learning and ensuring maximum engagement.
We believe that education should take place in a fully inclusive environment with equal opportunities for all and that all children should learn to value religious and cultural differences. Our school strives to be at the centre of the local community with positive and effective links to the wider and global communities.


As a school we value:

• the happiness of children, families and staff.
• caring staff who respect and know the children very well.
• the development of self-confidence, self-motivation and independence.
• co-operation, collaboration and teamwork.
• exciting but safe and secure spaces, indoor and outdoor, where children can explore, discover and experiment.
• the natural environment, the local community and the wider world.
• a stimulating and challenging curriculum, suited to children’s needs, enabling them to be the best version of themselves.
• praise and celebration of the achievements of every child.
• raising aspirations and a commitment to lifelong learning.
• working in partnership with others to meet the needs of all the children and their families.
• all aspects of British values and culture; celebrating differences, diversity, core values and preparing children for life in Modern Britain.